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Nmap: How to Scan Random Targets (part-6)

Scan Random Targets

The -iR parameter can be used to select random internet hosts to scan. Nmap will
randomly generate the specified number of targets and attempt to scan them.

Usage syntax: nmap -iR [number of targets]

# nmap -iR 3
Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2009-08-07 23:40 CDT
Nmap done: 3 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 36.91 seconds
Scanning three randomly generated IP addresses

For privacy reasons we do not display the results of the above scan in this

Executing nmap -iR 3 instructs Nmap to randomly generate 3 IP addresses to scan.
There aren’t many good reasons to ever do a random scan unless you are working
on a research project (or just really bored). Additionally, if you do a lot of aggressive
random scanning you could end up getting in trouble with your internet service