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Showing posts from August, 2020

GRE word (mêmb3àñ dump )

abandon abandon: When you act with abandon, you give in to the impulse of the moment and behave in a wild, uncontrolled way. abase abase: If you abase yourself, people respect you less because you behave in a way that shows that someone else has complete power over you. abash abash: When you abash someone, you make them feel uncomfortable, ashamed, embarrassed, or inferior. abate abate: When something bad or painful abates, it becomes less strong or severe. abdicate abdicate: If someone abdicates, they give up their responsibility for something, such as a king's transfer of power when he gives up his throne. aberrant aberrant: When something is aberrant, it is unusual, not socially acceptable, or a departure from the norm. abet abet: When you abet someone, you help them in a criminal or illegal act. abeyance abeyance: If something is in abeyance, it has been put on hold and is not proceeding or being used at the present time. abhor abhor: If you abhor something, y