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Showing posts from September 14, 2017

DIGITAL NUMBER SYSTEM PART-1 (data representation)

WELCOME TO DEVILz LINUX (ROCK STAR DEVIL) TOPIC - NUMBER SYSTEM (DATA REPRSENTION) What Is NUMBER SYSTEM? DEF - A organized way of representing number is know as number system. WHAT IS DIGITAL NUMBER SYSTEM ?? DEF - IN DIGITAL REPRESENTATION, in various systems are used. The most common number systems used are decimal, binary , octal, and hexadecimal system.  Number Systems Most number systems follow a common pattern for writing down the value of a number: A fixed number of values can be written with a single numerical character, then a new column is used to count how many times the highest value in the counting system has been reached. The number of numerical values the system uses is called the base of the system. For example, the decimal system has 10 numerical characters and so has a base of 10: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 For writing numbers greater than 9 a second column is added to the left, and this column has 10 times the value of the column im...