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Showing posts from May 12, 2017

How to Organize Your Tools by Pentest Stages

How to Organize Your Tools by Pentest Stages In this tut i will give you steps for hacking ... steps how hacking work and how to find everything about victim .. in every steps i have mention soft which we need to used in kali linux ... you can learn about their work from this website or from other.... I like to organize tools based on the phases of a pentest. Then, in each directory, I will symlink to the tool itself (if it's a tool I don't use often), unless I built the tool from source in that directory. With tools installed via Homebrew or from a .pkg, it can help to maintain a copy of the readme file in the directory with the tool named something like $toolname.readme . This will help with more obscure tools, and it can also help by giving you a place to note things about the tool. Phase 1: Reconnaissance This is the information gathering stage, and can be either active or passive. The whole purpose of this phase is to learn—the more information yo